Follow classroom norms.
Accept consequences without arguing or complaining.
Put first things first to get work done on time.
Respect others and their property.
Bathroom monitors check bathroom before students enter, and after class is finished.
When done, clean up after yourself.
Report problems to the bathroom monitor.
Respect the privacy of others.
Follow the handwashing procedure posted.
Keep floors clean and dry.
Enter the cafeteria silently and walk directly to your assigned seat.
Sit on your pockets in your assigned seat.
Eat only your food.
Uneaten food should be cleaned up properly (unopened items on the back table, opened items in the trash).
When getting food, stand quietly facing forward in a single-file line.
Use a quiet talking voice and respect the lunch monitor.
Get all your food and utensils before sitting down to eat.
When directed, put all your trash on your tray and throw it away at one time.
Stack trays neatly on the counter one at a time, and walk back to your assigned seat.
Raise your hand if you need help or need to leave your seat.
Walk silently in a single file line on the third square.
When on stairs, keep feet on the gray steps and one hand on the railing.
Keep hands and body to yourself.
Walk on the right hand side of the hallway/stairs.
Stay in your line order spot.
Sit on your pockets with feet tucked
Keep hands and body to yourself
Voices stay off after “I say Trailwoods, you say Bluejays.”
Eyes are on the speaker.
Enter and exit the gym silently.
Take a think sheet with you to the buddy room
Sit in the buddy teacher’s safe seat
Process what happened using your think sheet
Raise your hand to let the teacher know when you have finished processing.
Reflect with the teacher about what happened and any next steps.
Check-in with your teacher when you return to class.